Is Brisket Beef or Pork?

Brisket is a cut of meat that comes from the breast or lower chest of beef cattle. It is a tough, flavorful cut of meat that is best suited for slow cooking methods such as braising or smoking.

Brisket is a popular choice for BBQ and is often used to make corned beef and pastrami. It is typically a large cut of meat, and it is typically sold as a whole brisket or as smaller, trimmed cuts.

In contrast, pork brisket is a cut of meat that comes from the breast or lower chest of a pig. It is not as commonly used in cooking as beef brisket, but it can be prepared in a similar manner using slow cooking methods.

In summary, brisket is a cut of meat that can be made from either beef or pork, but it is most commonly associated with beef. It is a tough, flavorful cut of meat that is best suited for slow cooking methods.